Did you take advantage of these schemes of soil improvement (for India)

Always use proper fertilizer on the basis of soil testing, use biological fertilizers to maintain fertile soil of soil. To get the full benefit of fertilizers, sprinkle fertilizer Rather than insert the roots. Ensure the prudent and effective use of phosphatic fertilizers in order to have proper growth of roots / stems and crop time. Cook, especially leguminous crops, which use atmospheric nitrogen to make soil fertile. Farmers wanting to adopt the Participatory Biological Guarantee System (PGS-India) certification should have at least one in their adjoining village Make a group of five farmers and register it in the nearest Regional Center of organic farming. Soil Health Card:

         Soil Health Card started on 19th February 2015 under the Soil Health Card scheme. Soil Health Card will be given to all hold holders after every two years intervals so that they add the recommended nutrients to harvest the crop so that soil health improves and the fertile strength of the land also increases. 

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        soil improvement. Type of assistance criteria of assistance / maximum boundary scheme / component 
01.  Distribution of micro elements and land improvement elements Rs. 2500 / - per hectare health card scheme 
02.  50% of supply of gypsum / pyraite / lime / dolomite + transport, limited to Rs. 750 / ha, limited oilseeds and oil palm national mission. 
03. 50% of cost of plant protection chemicals, fungicides, bio-pesticides, bio-components, micronutrients, organic fertilizers etc., which is Rs. 500 / - per hectare limited oilseeds and oil pumps National Mission | 
04. For  adoption of organic farming, Rs.10, 000 / - per unit, National Horticulture Mission / Horticulture Mission for Northeast and Himalayan states. Sub Plan under Integrated Horticulture Development Mission 
05.  Vermi Compost Unit Rs. 50000 / - per unit (whose dimensions are 30 '× 8 '2.5 × 2.5' or 600 cubic feet on proportional basis) National Horticulture Mission / Horticulture Mission for North Eastern and Himalayan States. MIDH's Assistant Plan. 
06. Good thickness polythene .8000 / - per unit (of which 12 '× 4' × 2 'or 96 cubic feet on proportionate basis) National Horticulture Mission / Horticulture Mission for Northeast and Himalayan states. MIDH's Assistant Plan. 
07.  Incentives for Integrated Nutrient Management 1200 / - per hectare (upto 4 hectares) National Horticulture Mission / Horticulture Mission for Northeast and Himalayan states. MIDH's Assistant Plan. 
08.  50% of supply of gypsum phosphosporus / bentonite sulfur, which is Rs. Restricted to 750 / ha. National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and BGRI 09 50% of micronutrients which are Rs. Limited to 500 / - per hectare National National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and BGREI 
10 50% of the cost of lime / electrified material which is Rs. Limited to 1000 / - per hectare National National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and BGERI 
11.  50% of Bio Fertilizer (Rhizobium / PSB) which is Rs. Limited to BGRII National Food Security Mission (NFSM) 
12.  Establishment of new Mobile / Realized Soil Testing Laboratories (MSTL / SSTL) Every year, through NABARD, for the ability to analyze 10,000 samples, individual and private agencies 33% of the cost or limited up to 25 lakhs / laboratory agricultural national mission 
13.  Promotion and distribution of micro nutrients 50 % Of which is Rs. 500 / - per unit and / or Rs 1000 / - per beneficiary. 
14. Establishment of Liviewed Unit based Biofertilizer / Bio-insecticide as a capital investment of 200 tonne per annum production capacity, 25% of the cost for private / private agencies through NABARD, which is limited to Rs 40 lakh per unit. 
15.  For the personal / private agencies with production capacity of 3000 tons per year for the production of compost production unit of agricultural waste / agricultural wastes, 33% of the cost by NABARD but limited to Rs 40 lakh per unit. 
16.  50% of the cost of organic input (in the fertilizer, vermicompost, bio fertilizer, liquid / solid waste compost, herbal extract etc.) on the field of farmers, which is Rs. 5000 / - per hectare and Rs. 10,000 per beneficiary. Proposed to cover 01 million hectare area. 
17. By creating groups under participation promotion method certification (PGS), adopting organic farming is Rs. 20000 / - per hectare which is maximum per beneficiary per beneficiary for a period of 3 years. Limited to 40,000 / -. 
18.  Assistance to the Pidgin System of management and relocation analysis on-line. 200 / - per farmer per month / year maximum of Rs. 5000 / - and per Regional Council will be Rs. Limited to 1 million. 
Rs. 10,000 / - per sample (Remnant analysis will be done in NBL laboratory). 

19.  Adoption of the village for fertilizer management and biological nitrogen, classification of manure compost management, growing fertilizer tree on the deck and groups / self help groups etc., in the form of incentives for pulses crops, per village Rs. 10 lakhs (per annum / state maximum 10 villages will be given assistance).
20.  Demonstration of organic farming: Rs.50 per display for a group of 50 or more participants 20,000 / -. 
21.  Improvement of problem-related soil, 50% of basic / saline soil cost which is Rs. 25,000 / ha and up to Rs. Limited to 50,0000 / - per beneficiary. 50% of acidic soil cost but Rs.3000 / - per hectare and / or Rs. 6000 / - Limited to per beneficiary. 22.  Establishment of Micro Soil Testing Laboratory developed by ICAR Technology. To conduct 3,000 samples per year through BARD, 44% of cost per person / private sector or Rs. 44,000 per lab 23.  Establishment of soil test project at village level 40% of the cost or Rs. Whichever is less than 4,00,000 note

 For more information, contact the District Agricultural Officer / District Horticulture Officer near you.

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