Tomato's Advanced Foshan
1) The use of lobar in tomatoes is reduced by decreasing the number of keto with 1-2 sprays still remaining. 2) Applying castor around the field can be avoided by the leaf clogging cloth. This leaves the insect pest coming on the castor and can be easily destroyed.
3) Make a line of gander between each 16 queue, it will earn income from flowers and will spend Rs 2000-3000 on insecticides / acres.
Mixed farming involves complete use of land and more profits. Preparation for
sowing . After plowing the farm four or five times, the soil should be soft, fried and adjusted by placing it. When preparing the land, use 15-20 tonnes per hectare dung or compost, composted compost. Varieties
Ashwin, Dhanraj, Ankur Emperor, Extracts protector, Balwan, Fighter, Sartaj, Revolution, BSS series (803, 817, 825, 875, 834, 906, 908, 874, 1008, 1006) Kaveri, TH-1, TH-802 , TH-2312, Punjab Uma, Castle Rock, Punjab NR-7, Punjab Kesari, Punjab Rescue, Tropic, Saurabh, Nirmal, Kanak, Gadar, Yudha. Always buy certified seeds. Bill always demands
Seed method and time
1) Plant transplant- Make 3 * 1 meter water. 2) The distance of the plant from the plant is 45-60cm and the queue distance from the queue is 75-90 cm. 3) Planting of seedlings during the evening, it reduces plant losses. 4) Fossilium wilt can be prevented by putting 2.5 kg of trichoderma in 50 kg of cow dung compost before transplanting the plant. 5) Before transplanting the plant, Newcastle 15 ml of plants. 10 liters of milk per liter and 2-3 gram per liter of Donethane M-45. Make a batter in water and plant it in the field after dipping 5-6 minutes. Before sowing
seed treatment, treat
seed with carbendazim (Bavistin, Maustin) 1 gram per kg seed. After chemical treatment, treat the seed with Trichoderma at the rate of 5 grams per kg.
Nursery management
1) The length of the slabs is 3m, the width is 1m. And height 10-15 cm Should be.
2) Distance between two nursery beds 75-90 cm It should be done so that interactive activities such as weeding, ripening and irrigation can be done easily within the nursery.
3) The surface of nursery beds should be smooth, smooth and well drained from the fine tahor. 4) After germination, to prevent the pest from insect pest, add 10-15 grams per 10 sq. Meters in the middle of the queue and make light irrigation.
Seed rate
requires 100-120 grams of seeds for one acre of land.
weed control
Weeds reduce nutrients by taking nutrients from the ground. And they also give shelter to pests and diseases. For control of weed, 2-3 weeding is necessary in the crop. Weeding can be done by doing 45 days after the first weeding plant transplantation. For complete control, para like malches, wood filings and black colored polyethylene are used. Simultaneously, the production and quality increases by protecting the moisture in mulch lands.
Pendimethylene (stomp / friend) 400 ml / acre for chemical weed control. Sprinkle them before leaving the weed soil. Use 200 liters of water / acre and sprinkle the weed-killers with flat fan nozzles or flood jet nozzles.
The seasoning action is
often done between the weeds and the goodwill queues.
Before leaving the counterfeit, rinse the remaining amount of nitrogen and mix it in the ground. When large weeds in the field should be uprooted and separated by hand.
Tomatoes: Changes in temperature decreases yield. 10gm para-chloro phenoxy acetic acid (PCPA) / 200Ltr water for continuous yield, sprinkle while flowering.
To give support is done in
interstitial activity, plant transplantation is done 2-3 weeks intervals.
By giving support to the plant on time, more fruits and fruits are obtained.
For the unlimited growth crop, the bamboo knot parallel to the queue is tiered by pulling two or three strings in it. On these strings, the plants are tied with twine or rope.
Compost and Fertilizer
Organic: Multiplier Special
Planning with tomato crop multiplier
Tunaase is very high in tomato crop, so it will feel more composting until the production is to be taken, one kilo multiplier is to be given from the ground every month, the method for giving multiplier land is explained separately.
250 gm per acre every week is given better
sprouting and yield results immediately, so as well as giving 20 liters of water in 15 liters of water per week, mixed with multiplier + 2ml all clear, according to the need for insecticide Fungicide can also be added.
Chemical fertilization is not to be stopped immediately, reduce its evidence by 20 percent, when you increase the yield, reduce the chemical fertilization in the next crop, in some years your chemical manure will become zero.
Due to the continuous use of chemical fertilizers, the evidence of diseases arising out of soil has increased, make the trichoderma treatment in the field as suggested by the company to get rid of it, cost of 5 acres of treatment comes to 250 rupees.
Due to the use of multiplier, to increase the crop, to make the leaves dark green, no other production is required.
In tomato, Early Blight, Late Blight, Disease ruin the whole crop, along with juice insects also sometimes do not come under control, in this situation farmers decide to remove the plants, farmers who cultivate with multiplier The brothers are less likely to get this problem, because the multiplier makes the crop strong, so there is less wear and tear of insects, if it happens , Then the All-Clear does not allow immunity to chemical medicines, so it is necessary to put only 2 ml all clear in each 15 liters of water. Prior to sowing
organic fertilizers, add
7-10ton well dull dung or 8-10 tonnes of earthworm manure per acre.
For preventing the disease, add 2 kg of trichoderma 100 kg cow dung compost, by mixing them together per acre and spreading them in the field. For the prevention of Sukkumi and other insects which are more prone during rainy season. At the rate of 40 kg neem cake per acre, at the time of the last plowing.
Chemical compost
NP @ 80 kg: 40 kg: 40 kg per acre (175 kg urea, 250 kg SSP and 68 kg potash). Put the maximum amount of nitrogen 88 kg urea and phosphorus, potash at the time of transplantation. And put the quantity of the remaining nitrogen in three parts at a gap of 20 days.
1) When planting the plant, add 1.5 kg per acre of NP to 10 days. 2) After forming the flower, add 12:61:00 @ 0.4 kg per acre to 10 days, until the fruit is formed. 3) Day at 13:00:45 @ 0.6 per acre and add urea @ 0.8 kg per acre for 20 days.
Water-soluble compost
1) Manure Management- 10-15 days after transplanting, sprinkle in the mixture of micro-nutrients @ 2.5 to 3 grams per liter of water. 2) After 40-45 days of transplantation of plants, sprinkle boron at 20% 1 gram per liter. 3) Due to the good quality and yield of the fruit pour water soluble compost 12:61:00 @ 10 grams per liter before sprinkling flowers. 4) Sprinkle the flowering stage of the crop at 00:52:34 @ 4-5 grams + boron @ 1 gram per liter of water.
5) Sprinkle the crop at the stage of harvesting 00:52:34 @ 4-5 g + boron @ 1 gram per liter of water.
6) Tomatoes: Take Chloromacuate (lohosine) @ 1 ml / Ltr in the 4-5-stage stage for taking small / high-root plants. It will flower more quickly and fruits.
7) Tomatoes: 1ml to save from healthy shampoo and typhoid shock Booster / Ltr sprinkle with water and do not drink water 1 week before transplanting.
The symptoms of nutrient deficiency and the control
nitrogen deficiency first appears on the old and the lower leaves. The leaves are yellow in the lower side and yellow on the further side. To compensate for this, sprinkle the 2 kg solution of urea with 150 liters of water per acre.
The leaves of the boron break down, the leaves fall yellow on the side, the leaves become thick and full, the fruits become stiff and streaks on them. 125-150 grams of chalitod boron ( Solubber) sprinkle with 150 liters of water or 0.2% boric acid (200 g in 100 liters of water).
With the reduction of calcium, new stems, bean stalks and leaves are faded. Spray 125-150 grams EDTA calcium / acre / 150 liters of water (1 gm / liters of water) for the shortage.
Due to potassium deficiency, the plant looks fine, but the leaves begin drying on the side and the reddish brown fads fall on the leaves. For the reduction of potassium deficiency, sprinkle 100 grams of 13: 0: 45 (multi-ki) per 15 liters of water and later add 50 kg of mutate of potash per acre.
The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency are dwarf and thin plants. Leaves without shine, light green color Old leaves fall quickly after fading. To prevent this, add the approved quantity of manure, along with the internal and external mikoriza (Relegold / Gromor) at 4 kg grams / acre, while preparing the field. If the symptoms are seen in the standing crop, sprinkle the NPK 12-61-0 100 grams of volume with the rate of 15 liters of water twice a week. If need feel, then sprinkle the third spray.
There are signs of manganese deficiency - in the middle of the leaves of the nerves, light yellow gray spots, which are later grown, and when the excessive depletion, the plant gets dry. Divide 1 kg of manganese sulphate in 200 liters of water, before watering 2-4 days before watering and spraying 3 spraying on a week-week difference.
Growth Regulator
To increase the yield, sprinkle 50 ml of Plenophics / Acres of 100 liters of water (2.5 ml / 10 liters of water). When it comes to flowers, it reduces the fall of flowers and the number of bean increases. Do not spray more volume at all.
Seaweed (BioVita / Biogam / Dhanajayam) 500 ml / 150 liters of water / acre sprinkle to increase the number of flowers and get good yield. To make the plant healthy and strong, to make the transplant well, sprinkle lihosine @ 1 ml per liter after 20 days of sowing.
irrigation table
crops are often irrigated by an interval of 8-12 days.
In summer, the crop is required for irrigation by 5-6 days intervals.
The open drain method is often used for irrigation.
The drip and seepage method is often used in a greenhouse, glasshouse or plastic house.
Irrigation is
important when the irrational phase of flowering and fruits are formed.
Pest Management
leaf tunnel insect
leaves the tunnel insect leaves on Silver stops the growth of their inside leaf account more outbreaks by creating tunnels of color and yield decreases. To prevent loss of yield from the outbreak of tunnel and thrips, sprinkle lambda cyhylothrin (Charge / Karate / Metador) 15 ml / 15 liters of water.
The fruit penetrates through
this insect immediately after the transplanting of the transplanting till the last truncheon. Adult female fly leaves the leaves and fruits on the lower surface of the leaves. In the latter stage, the litter enters the fruit with a trunk and eats the pulp.
Control- Destroy rotten and infected fruits. To control the fruit separator, apply pheromone trap 16 a.m. acre equivalent to 20 days before transplantation. If the number of pests is high, then spinosed (succes / tracer) @ 6 ml + sticky substances @ 5 ml per 10 liters of water and indoxacarb 14.5 sc (avant / figo) 200 ml per acre of 200 liters of water. The group of
and infants is sticking to the lower surface of the leaves, which suck the juice from their tissues.
The affected areas turn yellow and shrink backwards. The leaves are dried in the state of excessive attack and the plant gradually dries up.
Rooted plants should be uprooted and destroyed so that they can not spread the pests.
Spraying with cypramethrin 10 EC (Cypress) 250 ml and 40 ml ImiCleoprid 17.8 SL (Konfidor / Tatamida) and 40 grams Thiomethoxem 25 WG (Actara / Infinity / Areva) per acre / 150 liters of water.
fly spreads viral disease from white fly and causes more damage to the crop. For early control, remove the infected plants and remove them from the farm. For chemical control, Acetampirrid 20 SP (Pride) 6 liters per 15 liters and Diphtherthuron 50 WPP (Pegasus / Polo) sprinkle at 15 liters per 15 liters of water.
Thrip yellow, brown granular winged midge.
For the prevention of thrips, cypressamethrin 10 EC (Cypress) 250 ml and 40 ml ImiCleopridae 17.8 SL (Konfidor, Tatamida) and 40 grams Thiomethoxem 25 WG (Actara / Infinity / Areva) per acre / 150 liters water rate Spray with.
Red spider
larvae tears down the lower surface to infant and adult leaves.
Both the baby and the adult suck the juice of the leaves and vines, whose leaves and vines develop white color spots.
The diseased leaves become yellow and fall later.
In the event of excessive infection, they create hazardous structures on the lower surface of the leaves and harm them.
Measures- Spray the spermomycin (Oberon) 100 ml and Fenjaquin 10% (Magistar / D436) 160 ml per B / 150 liters of water.
1. The plant remains undeveloped due to the wrath of sage. The roots remain small due to which production is affected.
2. To cultivate deep grapes in summer, select the resistant variety. Use 10-15 kg carbofuran per acre on the basis of chemical control outbreaks.
Disease Control For
integrated pest and disease management, upgrade the RML Farmer app and use crop-dock.
Working harvesting and post harvest
of fruit harvesting are ready after 60-70 days of sowing, according to Variety. The state of failure is done according to the requirement of the fruit to the consumer. The fruit tumble depends on the transportation system too.
Sorting of
fruit is done on the basis of the following points. Color, size, maturity stage
The sorted fruit is packed on the basis of market distances. 5-8% of the fruit is damaged by the farmer on his level sorting, so the farmer should not be sorted at his level.
Packing and storage:
1) To store tomato storage from 12 to 15 degrees. The temperature is considered good. If the fruit is stored at zero degree temperature then fruits are damaged by low temperature.
2) Green fruit from 10-15 degrees. Can be stored at room temperature for 30 days.
3) Tomato-ripe fruit is 4.5 ° C Keep the temperature safe for up to 10 days. 4) The relative humidity at the time of storage should be 85-90%.
5) Keep fruits safe for 7-10 days at room temperature.
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