The way to detect livestock age

The way to detect livestock age

Learn how to find the age of animals

The age of cows and buffalos can be traced from their tooth or from the rings on the horns. Animals have three types of teeth. 
1. The front teeth 
2. The rocks 
3. The needles . 
The underlying jaws and constipation are on the birth of the cataclysm, and after a week it becomes four and four weeks later, these numbers go up to eight. 
• For the next two and a half years the next permanent denticle comes out completely and at the age of five, the next permanent eight tooth leaves fall. 
• After the age of five years, animal age is estimated from dental implant etc. 
• In the seventh year half of the toes are lost, and the tenth year shows only the roots. 
• From thirteenth to the last 16 years, there is only an untimely mark of teeth.
• If the age of cattle is to be worn on the heels, then according to him, when the animal is two years old, the horns first appear. Then a year later, another chest gets on the horn. For example, if a buffalo sees four rings in his horn, he or she can be around five years old.

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