Farmers chemicals such as fertilizer for food meet the growing population took place in modern times , Krptwarnashi , is Rognashi and are using Kitanaskon. Probably by using these farmers , theyget more production for the first year , but slowly using them, the urine power of the soil starts getting impaired and the production capacity of crops also decreases. Due to the high cost of these chemicals, the cost of farming increases. Due to the emptied soil fertility, they also do not get profits due to the use of these chemicals. Not only this, the use of these chemicals also has adverse effects in the environment.
Rsaynikon the use of having an Dushprbavः-
Their use reduces the amount of organic elements in the soil so that the urine power of the soil gets weakened. By its use, the number of microorganisms found in the soil and its effects in the lives of them. Often found in research that earthworms considered friends of farmers , has been found to significantly reduce the number of use of excessive chemicals insect frequent use of Hakkitnashkon manages to develop its in-resistant capability. This makes it difficult to control these insects. Along with them, beneficial insects such as Lady Bird Beetle ,The number of bees, etc. is also adversely affected. These chemicals occur gradually, due to which they pollute the soil and the water too. The chemicals used in food grains and horticultural crops enter the human body through food. Different health-related problems give rise to problems.
While the demand to see the farmers to organic agriculture of Oragrsr having the need is.
Fertility of soil can be maintained by organic farming. Mud and water pollution can be stopped. Mitra and beneficial insects can be preserved. With this, the cost of chemicals can be reduced. Kkisan can maximize benefits at a lower cost and get quality Hakprayः food produced by organic production , produced by the fruit and vegetable value Rsaynikon items Minister is threefold compared.
Now the question arises, how can farmers farm organic farming ? There should be some attention to organic farming.
1. crop of for seeds or Prrwdn content of elections
When buying seeds and processing material, it should be noted that seeds and pulses are healthy and disease free. These materials are always purchased from the well-lit location. Always use high quality plant material. It is better to buy new material every year that produce healthy seeds and plant material themselves. If there is an outbreak of insect or disease in any place, then advanced areas of insect resistant or germ-resistant should be used in those places.
2. Farm the summer the time empty Leaving
Farm in months May-June 30-45 cm 0 deep plowing to abandon them empty for some time. By doing so, weed seeds and pests found in the soil can be easily destroyed by the heat of the sun.
3. Crop circle-
This is an important farming affair. Farmers should not put one crop every year in one place repeatedly. By doing this, there is adverse impact on crop quality and productivity. Farmers can reap the same crop in two or three years intervals. If the crop cycle is adopted correctly, the nutrients absorbed by a crop can be easily re-accumulated. Along with this new plantation increases the number of friend pests every year. Drain crops should also be used in the crop cycle. Because it increases the amount of nitrogen in the soil.
4. Collaborative Crop ( Trap Foliage) -
If the farmer wants to cultivate tomato, then he can plant the ginger crop around the tomato crop to save the crop from the outbreak of sundi pests. By doing this the insect will affect the Genda and the crop inside will be safe. Wherever there is problem of nematode, there should also be ginger.
5. Weed control
If the farmer is farming in small areas, it can easily be weeded by hand or machine. Weed control is the second most important way to cover or lay down.
Covering or Laying Palanures-
Cover can be done from various things like dung manure , straw , dry grass , plastic polyethylene that is available in various colors such as red , black , blue and silver colors. The overflow power of the soil increases due to the overlay by the use of organic materials , because it gradually breaks down and increases the nutrients in the soil.
Benefits of Covering-
Crop requires less irrigation as the water reaches the soil again by transpiration. By covering the covering in the jars, the soil temperature can be increased, while the use of the covering of organic matter in the summer can reduce the soil temperature. The weed is controlled by doing.Researchers have found that weeds do not grow under the black polythene. With the cover, it can be easily prevented due to soil borne diseases. 5. There is no soil , air and water erosion.
The following points should be kept in mind while covering.
Never choose dry land for cover. Always select the land with moisture. If the ground is dry a day without irrigation Lenkbijon the cover layer to locate the 10 cm 0 Use low should be cover from the weed control layer 10 cm 0 be thick should harvest If one year old, then use 20-25 micron thick polyethylene film. If the crop is binary, then using a 40-50 micron thick polyethylene film, and 50-10 micron thick polyethylene is considered best if the crop is multi-yearly .
6. fertilizers of Experiment
Whatever farmers do in the business of agriculture , they also have animal husbandry at small or large level. Along with animal husbandry, they can easily create organic manure. Their use increases soil fertility and water absorption capacity and soil erosion is also controlled.
Fodder is made by dismantling cow urine and urine emitted by cow and buffaloes and dissolved in a deep-rooted solution. It is called dung manure. In the same way farmers can prepare goats , sheep , pigs and poultry manure easily at home. The quality and quantity of these composts are based on animal feed and the method of preparation of dung manure.Always keep in mind that do not use raw dung manure in the field. If raw dung is used in the farm then there is an outbreak of Karamula pest which causes the crop to be destroyed. Therefore use only rotten cow dung.
To make compost , vegetables , fruits , leaves and plant residues and produced by animals are used. To make a compost, one has to prepare the clay. In which they could rubbish the waste produced by these plants with the help of microorganisms.
Ketchua compost
Earthworms are used to prepare this type of manure. The quality of earthworm manure depends on the 3 things. Species of earthworm , water and rotted manure. Irisina Phytida and Euderolis Eugenia earthworms are used to make earthworms.These earthworms convert compost into valuable compost.
The quantity of nutrients in organic fertilizers-
Nitrogen (percent): phosphorus (percent): potassium (percent)
0.5: 3.0: 0.5
Sheep and goat manure
3.0: 1.0: 2.0
Hen manure
3: 2.5: 1.5
Slaughter of dung made by biogas
1.8: 1.0: 1.0
horse manure
2.5: 1.5: 1.5
Pig manure
3.0: 2.5: 2.0
Earthworm manure
3.0: 1.0: 1.5
Organic fertilizer-
These are the microorganisms found in the soil, which are cultivated in the laboratory. Agotobacter , nitrogen compounds , phosphorus solubility and decomposition of organic matter make the roots of plants easily available to nutrients. Along with this, these plant growth produces regulatory hormones and vitamins etc. Organic fertilizers increase the yield of nutrients as well as increase the crop yield by 10-25 %.
There are nine products in it like cow dung , cow urine , curd , milk , ghee , jaggery , banana , coconut and water. To make it, dung and ghee are mixed well and the mixture is kept for three days. When it seems that the mixture is completely mixed then it is again mixed again for 15 days.
After this, other mammals are also added and themixture is left for the next 30 days. Pantagya should be kept at the open space in the clay vessels or concrete tanks, which are wide open. Panchgavya has been found to be highly beneficial for biological insecticide and plant development.
Fertilizers and organic fertilizers are readily available in the market, as well as being friendly and environmentally friendly and enhancing the fertility of the soil. They save the environment from being polluted.
7. Insect and Disease Control
When selecting varieties of crops, use disease-resistant and advanced pest resistant varieties. To control the disease and insects, you should keep visiting the fields from time to time. So that they can be controlled only in the initial stage. If the farmer is cultivating small areas, then the insect eggs ,The larvae and pupa should be gathered and killed. So that the infection does not spread. Some insects are attracted to the light. Their number can be controlled by applying a light trap. Similar insects are attracted to the colors. To control these insects, use colored sticky trap. For example, blue color for thrips and yellow tray is used for aphids. Farmers can easily prepare them at home. Put a yellow / blue paints or sticks / paste in a wooden or card board cardboard.Put a layer of petrolium jelly or vegetable oil or sticky substance on top of that chart / paint. And this trap should be placed on a radius of one meter of the farm. By doing so, the insect gets attracted towards him and dies by chasing it. Always keep in mind that do not apply these traps near the border of the fields. The use of the Firomon Trap is very much in controlling the population of pests. Is helpful. This trap gives the fragrance fragrance. Which attracts the male insects by misleading them, due to which they enter this trap and die. Apart from these, naturally produced pesticides such as neem, Onions , should be sprayed by the solution of pepper and garlic etc. The use of natural insecticides should not exceed the requirement that they should be sprayed in the appropriate amount. Be sure to study biological parameters before the perfusion.
The farmers who are already cultivating chemicals. They can make unified management of their organic farming. By doing so, they can produce more quality food at low cost. Farmers can adopt these methods and earn maximum profit along with quality. Along with organic farming, the ecosystem can be consolidated and easily created
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