Due to the increasing demand for food throughout the country, due to the increased use of chemical fertilizers and less use of organic manure and farming of the same crop again and again, the pressure on the agriculture sector is increasing and there is a decrease in soil fertility.
Consequently , adverse effects of all these activities have been observed on crop growth , yield, quality and productivity. Therefore , the proper use of different medium needs maintenance time of soil fertility and improvement in production.
Scientific Uses of Fertilizers
Organic fertilizer
• If organic fertilizer is used with organic manure , then soil fertility will be improved.
• When partially decomposed form compost is added to soil , it does not provide the full benefits of the crop. This is the common reason that the soil power is wasted in decomposition partially decomposed, resulting in the supply of nitrogen to the main crop.
What to do to increase organic carbon in the soil
• Reduce the number of agricultural practices and avoid land leveling to promote soil and water conservation and reduce land erosion.
• Use pulses in the form of inter-crop.
• Cover the soil with organic malt.
• Avoid burning the crop residue. Instead, let them dissolve in the soil.
• Regular use of organic fertilizers (farm manure / compost / vermicompost) and green manure.
• Plant the plants on the fields that can resist the rapid flow of air. Poultry and cattle farming will not only increase the income of a farmer , but also provide good quality fertilizers for the farm.
Chemical fertilizers
Farmers need to understand that excessive use of chemical fertilizers is not guaranteed to produce higher yields. It is not necessary that the chemical fertilizers involved in the soil can reach the root system of crops. Plants use only some nutrients while others are washed with water. Some nutrients are found in the soil , while some nitrogen-containing nutrients are converted into vapors and fly in the air. This is the reason that chemical fertilizers are used in large amounts. Apart from spoiling the balance of crop nutrition, they pollute the soil.
Efficiency of fertilizer usage
Nitrogen- 30-50%
Phosphorus- 15-25%
Sulfur- 15-25%
Iron- 1-2%
Potash - 50-60%
Boran- 1-5%
Reasons behind the decline in crop fertility
* PH is less than six or more than eight
* More than 10 percent presence of calcium carbonate in the soil .
* Low capacity to bear soil water.
* Lack of biological carbon
* Stabilization of food nutrients through the supply of fertilizers in the soil.
* Waterlogged / shallow / deep land
* There is no comfort in the soil due to repeated crops.
* Do not adopt crop rotation and continuous cultivation of the same crop.
* Do not include dichotomic crops in crop pattern .
* Continuous use of heavy water
* Do not use green manure.
Measures to improve the efficiency of fertilizers
* Do not Fanken fertilizers in dry soil. Use them only when there is a good amount of moisture in the soil.
* Use fertilizers right below the seed.
* Fertilizers should be placed close to the roots.
* Coated Fertilizers / Briquettes / Super Granules should be used.
* Considering the sensitive phase of development, fertilizers should be used in a phased manner.
* Liquid fertilizers should be used only through micro irrigation and excess use of water should be avoided.
Methods of improving the efficiency of fertilizers
For the grains use 4: 2: 2: 1 fertilizer ( nitrogen-phosphorus-potash-sulfur) and 1: 2: 2: 1 fertilizerfor pulses .
* To achieve the balance of food nutrients, fertilizers should be used according to the recommendations made on soil testing basis. Micro nutrients should be sprinkled on the crop.
* Fertilizers should be used with biological substances.
* Chemical fertilizers should be used with biological substances.
* Maintain the soil pH value between 6.5 and 7.5 by regular use of organic fertilizers .
* Use organic fertilizers such as Rhizobium , Azotobacter , PSB etc.
* Black soil of khari or cotton can be improved by mixing gypsum bio fertilizer , sugarcane grains , stored manure, and premedude like ' soil correction' .
* Use gypsum in the soil which is deficient in calcium carbonate.
The importance of micronutrients
* If there is a lack of micro-nutrients in the soil , so it can be changed to its reduction can be maintained soil fertility by using various methods.
Soil fertility
• In the absence of organic components , bacteria and earthworms, soil becomes dead. It can not be detected without checking the properties of soil.Consequently , the scheme can not be prepared for the expected crop production.
Ways to improve soil fertility
* Fertilizers such as green manure , farm manure, compost , vermicompost , pressed , poultry manure and sheep waste should be used minimum5-7 tonnes per hectare.
* Inclusion of bilateral crop in rotation and rotation of crops.
* Use of bio-fertilizers as well as proper pre-inter-cultivation
* Use of micro nutrients and balanced use of chemical fertilizers.
* Use of soil reformers to improve brackish , acidic and oily soil.
* Soil and water conservation in the agricultural sector.
Integrated management of food nutrients
Chemical fertilizers , organic manures , crop residues , crop changes , inter-cropping and it uses dicotyledonous crops , green manure and use of bio-fertilizers , proper use of the stabilization and micro-nutrients nitrogen content involved.
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